Saturday 22nd June 2024 was a momentous milestone for the SMF, with the Return to Steam special featuring 8 LMS coaches, and the star of the show 13268. Members and guests came together to ride on all or part of the 2 round trips on the Severn Valley Railway.
The on train buffet did a roaring trade, selling SMF Mighty Mogul beers. Passengers tucked into a delicious LMS style lunchbox full to the brim of sweet and savoury treats including a SMF branded cookie! Plus we ran a raffle which was very popular, with SMF Footplate experience, SVR 1st Class tickets and a crate of SMF beers up for grabs. Everyone travelling received a souviner booklet of 13268’s overhaul produced by Jim Norman.
At Arley in the early evening there was a Hog Roast, and the Kiosk was opened for the purchase of drinks, sweets etc. A small ceremony to commemorate the return of the locomotive was held with the 13268 Cake being in pride of place!
Finally the train went to Bridgnorth, and then a final departure to Kidderminster.
Photo’s courtesy of: Chris Murr, John Oates and John Tidmarsh.