Overhaul update

We start in the boiler shop where the inner copper backplate is having remedial work undertaken. This is the top (it’s on its side) water side showing the new top flange which has been welded in. The marks running vertically are the locations of holes to be drilled where it is riveted to the crown sheet.

The view from the fire side of the same area. The gaps top and bottom are where the flange at the crown transfers into the sides and are separate new pieces, waiting to be fitted.

Close up of the fire side. Some stay holes have become oversize and have been welded up, to be drilled and tapped back to standard size.

Work continues on the ashpan. The front damper door is seen and the operating mechanism for the hopper doors is bolted in place.

In the machine shop there are four coupling rods and one connecting rod complete with bushes turned to size and ready to fit; the other connecting rod was having its little end bush turned to give the correct end float in the crosshead.

Also present was one of the combination levers; note the new bushes in its top end, left. The valve spindle crosshead lies with it, the piston crossheads are from a different engine.

These are carried on an extension of the rear valve cover. This is the left side with all these removed and the bare valve spindle visible.

For fitting as this area is built up. This is the same valve spindle but now with the crosshead and outer slides in place.

Other motion parts are still in store waiting the call; these are one of the radius rods and the two expansion links. Their wait will not be long.

Some scenes from the paint shop. These are boiler cladding sheets, the undersides visible in grey primer.

This sheet is identifiable as the right hand sheet, the shaped section at the right hand end showing it to be below the top feed casing. The delivery pipes are entirely external on these engines so no gap below that. Note the application of black paint.

The external sides of all parts have a high gloss finish, seen here on the pieces around the front firebox corners.