Overhaul update Not as much progress as last week in terms of replacing newly overhauled parts but some progress nevertheless although the painters worked hard painting odd bits of pipe, nuts, bolt heads and anything else in all sors of places that might rust.
Unfortunately the slide bars had a thin layer of surface rust on them which we removed with emery cloth before coating with oil to reduce the risk of further rusting.
We arrived to find the Right hand injector mounted in its rightful place behind the cab step although the pipework has yet to be installed.
We also found the Right hand crosshead in place between its slidebars with the combination lever (which has been in place for some time) dangling to its right. The two large holes at the bottom of the crosshead are the fixing points for the drop link (seen below) whilst the two smaller ones at the top are for fixing the oil box.
This is the Right hand drop link with the union link attached to it. Wikipedia (look up Walschaerts valve gear on Google) gives you a good, labelled, drawing of the gear.
The Left hand union link on the table of one of the milling machines, note the new bushes made and fitted many months ago.
The Left hand cross head on the same milling machine having had the two oil grooves cut into its lower face. The black marker lines are there as a guide for the machinist.
Later on after lunch the cab roof which was outside at the back of the paint shop was picked up by the JCB and moved to the yard at the front of the shed and…
carefully lowered onto a suitable trolley before…
being wheeled into the shed and parked alongside the loco so it can be painted in the dry(!). Also, at some time in the near future, it should be test fitted to the cab sides to check for any fixing problems that may need sorting.
Our Engineering Manager is looking very thoughtful though!