Overhaul update
16th June 2016 saw four SMF volunteers at work on their engine.

Prior to this working day one of the boiler shop volunteers had burned the heads from all the accessible rivets securing the copper firebox sheets to the foundation ring, and our thanks go to this unknown stalwart.

Also the previous week, the Left Hand upper slide bar was finally dislodged from its position, suitably cleaned, and laid beside its three fellows waiting to be sent for specialist grinding.

The two rear sandboxes have now been removed from the frames for the inevitable cleaning and painting. This is that from the right hand side, yet to be cleaned.

The Left Hand water valve spindle’s removal gave problems in that the lower relay arm (arrowed) refused to come off the shaft. A combination of the oxy-acetylene torch to bring it to red heat and the use of a dedicated puller were finally successful. The threads, though, suffered in the operation and will need to be cleaned or recut prior to reassembly.