Overhaul update
The working party arrived to find the boiler in the loco shed – it having been moved there over the weekend. As can be seen, the smokebox has been fitted and is held temporarily by four of its nuts and bolts whilst Brian has cut the hole for the chimney.

The smokebox temporarily attached to the boiler showing the hole for the chimney. The circular plate at the top rear is covering the main steam pipe where the superheater header is mounted.

The smokebox is attached to the boiler by these nuts and bolts, four of which are in use at present.

The refurbished superheater header by the big miller awaitig re-fitting to the boiler. The circular flange at the back with the holes in it fits on the end of the steam pipe seen in the earlier photo.

Inside one of the containers behind the paintshop can be seen one of our cladding sheets which we were asked to retrieve so that their condition can be assessed.

The cladding sheets spread out on the shed floor. The various holes in them are for access to such items as washout plugs.

The cladding sheets and their associated “boiler bands” which cover the jounts between them when they are assembled on the boiler stacked aganst the shed wall at the end of our day.

The other main task of the day for the working group was to start trial fitting the “crinoline” which is the framework to which the cladding is bolted and here we can see the four black circular rings loosely in place. They will, no doubt, need some tweaking to ensure they are properly in place and the right way round.