Overhaul update

The SMF's John Bowater seen here refitting the original cylinder lubrication pipes where appropriate and replacing with new pipework when necessary. Here he is tightening up one of his newly made clamps which will keep the pipes tidy and less likely to rub against the frames or each other.

This is where the pipes start from - the lubrication atomiser on the running plate. John is working back from the cylinders on both sides of the loco.

Now for the ongoing work on the tender. This shows the extent of the work needed to replace the corroded plate work. The brake standard to the left was removed shortly after this picture was taken.

A rare view of the inside of the tender from the front after removal of the badly corroded plate work showing the baffle plates that help prevent the water surging and making the tender unstable when moving. The semi-circular “thing” visible in the centre of the picture is the float for the water level indicator.

The new plate for the front apron upside down after having the three holes for access to the three draw bar pins cut out. The separate piece of plate on top will become reinforcement for the holes in the main plate.

Finally, another visit to the machine shop found work progressing on the valve spindles and their nuts. One of the bronze nuts having its hexagon machined onto it (it was originally round bar).