Overhaul update

The rebuilding of the rear of the loco is still ongoing. The layout of the structure below the cab floor is amazingly complex and involves many sections of angle steel and flat plate, all needing to be cut to size, and sometimes welded but more often drilled and either bolted or riveted together.

These photos show some of this structure, usually hidden below the floor and behind the cab sides Almost all of this is now new.

The first part of the process is to drill dozens - possibly hundreds - of holes, all very time consuming. The Fund’s working parties, mostly in the form of Robin, have aided the SVR’s Brian in this work.

The cab sides have been attacked by another of the SVR volunteer groups - thanks, guys - in removing the old paint.

The sides have been trial fitted to the loco to check alignment. It is hoped that the work on the metalwork below the floor will be completed within the next few weeks when the cab sides will be permanently reattached. Note that they are outside only to allow a movement by the fork lift truck.

The trailing coupled wheelset was removed quite a while ago to allow access for the trailing frames’ replacement. They have received attention from the painters as the rest of the engine occasionally becomes inaccessible to allow other work to proceed.

All the wasted platework on the tender front has been renewed and the job signed off. The handbrake stanchion and feedwater valve levers await refitting. Inside the tender has been cleaned out and will be in receipt of a fresh coat of paint.