Overhaul update

With the engine now on the jacks and the wheels dropped out, many more parts have become available for repair or replacement. These are all stacked on pallets and are to be placed in storage until each item is brought out for the necessary action to be taken.

Amongst these removed parts are six coupled axleboxes, this being the left hand leading, and marked as such. Full repairs to these will await the reconditioning of the wheelsets, as the these might need the journals to be ground to a new size, the white metal of the axleboxes being sized appropriately.

The hole where an axlebox used to be, in this case left hand intermediate, or driving axle. Frame cracks are most likely in the top corners of the horn gap, and all paint has been cleaned from these and other suspect areas for crack detection investigations to be done.

The right hand driving horn gap has already had such a crack repaired in 2010, the welds being visible. The opportunity will be taken to grind these flat and carry out another crack detection exercise on this side also.

Getting the horn gaps true and parallel is an important part of the overhaul and accurate measurement is essential. The right hand trailing horn gap has been measured and the dimensions marked up. Between the frames are cross ties between the lower ends of each side of the axlebox guides, one of which is visible through the gap. These constrain the bottoms of the frames around the firebox area, the weight of which would cause the frames to splay outwards.

The cross ties already mentioned are pin jointed, and the pins are all removed to check for wear and to replace as needed. This one has been coated with oil spillage from the lubricators throughout the years and the pins came out easily; the others put up more of a struggle.

Removal of the wheelsets allowed access to new areas, and this horizontal stretcher immediately came in for scrutiny. It is two plates thick, and corrosion between them has forced the upper plate to rise. It will be removed and replaced, a full assessment of the lower plate being made at the same time. The pony truck pivot casting attaches to this stretcher.