Today saw work proceeding on three different fronts:
A task for the working party requested by the SVR was the removal of the expansion links, and the right hand side one was tackled today. This is the space it previously occupied.
Most of the assembly on the floor: the link itself and its outer mounting bracket. Removal of this bracket necessitated the prior removal of the drive crank for the mechanical lubricators (bottom centre), which proved to be amazingly tight on the trunnion shaft. It gave in eventually!
The other bracket in the wash for a thorough clean. This is the inside bracket with its outer face uppermost.
Painting, of course, continues apace, and now it’s the turn of the smokebox saddle, which had been needle gunned some months ago to remove all rust.
Steel fabrication work was also tackled. With the running plate angles and their brackets now finished, work turned to the cab area. The threads at the bottom of the handrail were recut; a new nut will be made to attach it. Mounting brackets were welded to part of the footplate flooring, shown here front end uppermost. The holes allow access to the tender drawbar pins should the tender need to be detached.