Overhaul update

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the frames, we see a very “tatty” piece of angle iron (supporting the running plate) being prepared for removal and replacement. The old rivets have been burnt away and punched out and all that remains is to grind away some old (poor quality) welds to allow the angle to be cut out and replaced with new material.

Here we see the lower part of the rear joint complete with two temporary pieces of metal and some channel tack-welded in place to prevent the new frame and old frame components moving when the coded welding takes place. Once welding is complete these temporary pieces will be removed.

This is the inside of the Left Hand frames showing the back of the welded joint in the previous image. The welding has been completed and the surplus metal ground flush with the frame.

The coded welder has made a start on welding in the new portion of the Left Hand frame. On the outside of the frame the joint is only partially completed as you can see here. The reason for partial completion is that welding introduces a lot of localised heat to the frame with the consequent likely risk of distortion or even displacement of the separate parts. Allowing the metal to cool and ”relax” minimises that risk.