Overhaul update

More parts ready for refitment: the last four spring hanger brackets finish machined an awaiting attachment.

More parts refitted: this is the return spring mechanism for the reverser weighshaft. There should be a big coil spring to the left of the large red washer. It was not fitted, partly because it had not yet been painted, but also because reassembling the rest of the reversing gear is easier without it.

Between the frames, that stretcher mounting the pony truck pivot has now been finish painted. A Fund member applies the final coats.

Meanwhile, in the boiler shop... Following the removal of the backplate as previously reported, the front tubeplate followed, allowing full access to the interior of the boiler.

The redundant front tube plate. The replacement has been ordered from the South Devon Railway, and the drawings supplied.

Inside the boiler barrel. Towards the bottom of the photo - the boiler is inverted so really the top - can be seen the rear section of the main steam pipe from the collector at the top corners of the firebox, and the six longitudinal stays running from the firebox backplate to the front tubeplate.