Overhaul update
There’s more progress to report from the boilershop – a further delivery! – while on the chassis, work has concentrated on the mechanical lubricator and associated pipework.

The lubrication pipes for the RH cylinder block have been disconnected and given suitable containers to collect the steam oil that is shortly to be manually pumped through the pipes from the mechanical lubricator…

…after nearly 2 hours of hand pumping by your volunteer gang, the steam oil was through all eight pipes so they could be re-connected to their non-return valves on the cylinder blocks. This is the LH one.

Turning to the boiler, the front ring of the smokebox has been fully riveted in place by the SVR staff.

Turning to the inner firebox we can see the back of it on the right with many of the copper stays peened over, along with several yet to be similarly treated.