Overhaul update These pictures show progress on the locomotive from the previous week. Further cleaning and painting of the running plates has continued, with almost all of both sides top and bottom in black undercoat.
The Cylinder borer, now fitted to the front and rear of the right hand cylinder. The operation itself will begin in the week commencing 5th December.
Here is the Cylinder borer from the rear of the cylinders.
During the engine’s movement on to the wheel drop to remove the pony truck, the cab roof and top of the spectacle plate were also removed. Attempts to lift the cab sides were not successful, so a renewed search by the Fund’s working party revealed some previously undiscovered bolts and nuts!
The trailing dragbox was the subject of discussion between the Fund and SVR engineers, and the decision was to replace all the metalwork of dragbox structure, incuding the upper and lower horizontal stretchers, the longitudinal stretchers, the rear frame stretcher, the hind buffer beam and all platework below the cab floorboards.
The arrow shows the rear frame stretcher which is part of the platework that will be renewed.
The holes throagh the frames where the lower horizontal stretcher was riveted will be repaired, as they are now oversized.